Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a painful condition that affects the tendons on the outside of the elbow. Despite its name, it can be caused by any repetitive arm and wrist movements, not just playing tennis. Activities such as typing, painting, plumbing, and using tools can also contribute to the development of tennis elbow.

The condition occurs when the tendons that connect the forearm muscles to the outer part of the elbow become inflamed or damaged due to overuse or repetitive strain. This can lead to pain and tenderness on the outer side of the elbow and sometimes down the forearm.

Treatment for tennis elbow usually involves a combination of self-care measures and expert physical therapy. Here is how Saunders physical therapists treat tennis elbow:

The Saunders Tennis Elbow Treatment Approach

Manual Therapy: This includes hands-on techniques performed by a physical therapist to gently mobilize and massage the elbow and surrounding tissues. Manual therapy can help improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and restore normal elbow function.

Therapeutic Exercises: Our physical therapists will prescribe specific exercises to strengthen the muscles around the elbow. These exercises may include range of motion exercises, gentle resistance training appropriate for your injury, and stretching.

Modalities: Therapeutic modalities can be used to reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle tension in the shoulder area.

Functional Training: This involves practicing movements and activities that are relevant to your daily life or sports activities. Functional training helps to integrate the improved strength and flexibility into real-life situations.

Activity Modification: Your physical therapist may advise you on modifying certain activities or movements that aggravate your elbow pain to prevent further injury.

Education and Home Exercises: A crucial part of physical therapy is learning about your condition and performing home exercises and self-management techniques to continue progress outside of therapy sessions.

Taping and Bracing: In some cases, taping or bracing techniques may be used to support the elbow and facilitate healing.

Tennis player
Remember, every individual’s condition is unique, and the best physical therapy treatment for tennis elbow will depend on the underlying cause of the pain. A personalized approach from an expert physical therapist is vital to achieve the best results. In most cases, tennis elbow can be effectively treated with conservative measures. However, if the pain persists or becomes severe, we will work with your physician or refer you to an appropriate specialist for additional care.