
Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

Craniosacral Therapy Technique

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle hands on technique to restore normal position and motion of the bones of the skull, spine and sacrum, and to restore cerebrospinal fluid flow. Physical Therapists who perform craniosacral therapy have had specialized training and have very skilled touch and intuition.

What is the Craniosacral System? What is the Theory?

The body’s craniosacral system includes the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. It extends from the cranium (head) to the sacrum (tailbone). The cerebrospinal fluid circulates through the brain and spinal cord at a rate of 6 to 12 cycles per minute and is called the craniosacral rhythm. This craniosacral rhythm can be felt through gentle touch and can lead the therapist to restrictions in the body. Restrictions in the membranes of this system can affect the central nervous system and other systems in the body.

Contracture in the soft tissues at the skull and spinal cord can restrict the flow in the craniosacral system. CST uses the craniosacral rhythm and system as a guide to correct restrictions and to facilitate optimal craniosacral function. The result is improvement in pain and function.

What To Expect

All patients receive a thorough musculoskeletal evaluation that includes assessment of your posture, muscle imbalances, biomechanics, and joint mobility to identify areas contributing to your symptoms.

With Craniosacral Therapy, your treatment is very gentle. Very light pressure in just the right spot releases flow restrictions and results in immediate pain relief and restored motion.

Craniosacral Therapy is often combined with other forms of therapy, like Myofascial Release, joint mobilization, and appropriate exercise.

Frequently Asked Questions About Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral technique

Cervicogenic Occipital Headaches

Woman sitting with furrowed brow due to headache

Cervicogenic headache is also called “occipital headache”. The occipital region of the neck is at the back of the head, and this is where the symptoms are found. Symptoms can be constant, affecting either side of the head. Symptoms often increase with prolonged positions of the head and neck. Some people can have nausea, dizziness, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity associated with cervicogenic headaches.

Physical therapists treat this type of headache with a variety of helpful techniques. Treatment involves myofascial release, manual therapy techniques, gentle stretching, muscle retraining, and postural correction. Education to relax the muscles of the face, neck, and upper body are also very beneficial.

Tension Headaches

Seated man with tense look on face due to headache

Tension headaches are a common type of headache characterized by a dull, aching pain, typically felt on both sides of the head. They are often caused by stress, muscle tension, poor posture, or fatigue. Symptoms are often constant and do not change with activity or rest. Many tension headache sufferers rely on medication just to get through the day.

The good news is that physical therapists at Saunders Therapy Centers can provide treatment and advice for tension headaches:. Treatment involves myofascial release, manual therapy techniques, gentle stretching, muscle retraining, and postural correction. Education to relax the muscles of the face, neck, and upper body are also very beneficial.

Tension Headache Treatment at Saunders Therapy Centers

Manual Therapy: Gentle mobilization techniques to the neck, shoulders, and even jaw can help relieve muscle tension and reduce headache symptoms.

Relaxation techniques: Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga can help reduce stress and muscle tension that contribute to tension headaches.

Heat or cold therapy: Applying a warm compress or taking a warm bath can help relax tense muscles. Alternatively, a cold pack or ice wrapped in a cloth can be applied to the forehead or neck to help numb the pain.

Posture Correction: Maintaining good posture can help prevent tension headaches. Our hands-on techniques, exercise instruction and advice helps you be mindful of your posture while sitting, standing, and working on the computer.

Good Advice: Your Saunders PT will help you problem solve such issues as staying hydrated and getting enough rest, recognizing and avoiding triggers, and maintaining a healthy exercise routine.

woman with tension headache


Cluster Headaches

Woman lying on couch pinching her nose area due to headache

With a cluster headache, pain is very severe and always on one side of the head. Generally pain is experienced behind the eye and is described as pulsing. Stuffy nose and watery eyes often accompany pain. Symptoms tend to occur at the same time of day over a period of weeks to months. Symptoms will then disappear, only to reappear after several months. Men tend to be more affected with this type than women.

Physical therapists can effectively treat postural or muscle tension problems that may be contributing to cluster headaches, making the problem worse. Postural correction, myofascial release, manual therapy, and relaxation techniques are used quite effectively.

Migraine Headaches

physical therapist performs craniosacral Headache Treatment

With a migraine headache, pain is experienced throughout the entire head, deep within, and is described as pulsing pain of moderate to severe intensity. Light and sound sensitivity is also common. Nausea, distorted vision, and numbness in the face and tongue can also be symptoms. Symptoms last from 4 to 72 hours and affect women twice as much as men.

Physical therapists can help with associated symptoms of tension, postural dysfunction, and muscle imbalance, though the primary treatment for migraine often involves medication management.

Therapy For Back Pain

Back Pain Treatment with Exercise

Lower or mid back pain can be debilitating, and it’s tempting to rush to an orthopedic doctor to get help. But wait – physical therapists are skilled at evaluating and treating most back pain problems. What’s more, they are trained to assess whether your condition requires more diagnostic evaluation. Seeing a physical therapist first saves valuable time and expense for the majority of back pain conditions. At Saunders, our approach entails:

Musculoskeletal Evaluation: A thorough evaluation will be performed on your initial visit to assess for possible muscle imbalances, myofascial restrictions, joint dysfunction, and nerve involvement that may be contributing to your symptoms.

Manual Therapy: Our therapists all have advanced training in manual therapy which is a hands-on approach that addresses restrictions in the soft tissue, myofascial system, and/or the spinal joints to facilitate proper alignment and healing.

Spinal Stabilization and Exercise: Studies have shown that deep muscles which control spinal movement are inhibited with your first episode of low or mid back problems. These muscles do not automatically return to proper function when the pain subsides, leaving you vulnerable to further injury. You will be shown specific exercises to activate these muscles properly, decreasing the likelihood of future back pain episodes.

Postural Education and Body Mechanics: Our physical therapists will teach you body awareness and you will learn mechanics and postures that decrease load and stress on the spine, relieving your back pain.

Back Pain Treatment with Exercise

Physical Therapy Back Pain Techniques

Physical therapists can immediately decrease back pain with manual therapy, myofascial techniques, postural training, and restoring muscular length and strength through specific exercise.


What Causes Back Pain?

Back Pain Treatment

Back pain – or lumbar spine pain – can be the result of a single event or trauma, or the result of a combination of factors including poor posture, declining physical fitness, and/or repetitive activities, including faulty lifting, bending, or twisting. Previous injury and family history may also be a contributing factor.

Lower back pain is usually non-serious and resolves within 2-6 weeks. Sometimes, back pain is accompanied by upper back pain, buttock pain, or pain down the leg. Physical therapists at Saunders Therapy Centers can get to the root cause of your pain, and provide immediate treatment to lessen the intensity and duration of your pain. In some cases, you only need one or two clinic treatments. Common causes of back pain include:

Muscle Strain: Sleeping without proper support, over-working during exercise, or bending or twisting the “wrong way” can cause a temporary but very painful strain. You may not be able to rotate, flex, or extend your back fully. It may hurt more to move around or change positions.

Lumbar Osteoarthritis: This is a wear-and-tear condition, also called lumbar arthritis. As we age, the space between vertebrae in the back decreases, and excessive friction can cause pain. Even though structural changes are inevitable with age, pain is not! Improving posture and strengthening the stabilizing muscles (the abdominal core and hips) is key to help with this condition.

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease: Though scary-sounding, this condition is closely related to osteoarthritis, in that it is a wear-and-tear condition. Disc degeneration typically causes a low-level chronic back pain with occasional episodes of more severe pain. Treatment is similar to osteoarthritis and involves postural training, core strengthening, and manual therapy.

Facet Joint Syndrome: The joints between each vertebra can become slightly misaligned or inflamed, causing pain. Manual therapy techniques can restore normal motion and decrease inflammation.

Lumbar Disc Herniation: Between each vertebra is a structure called the “disc”, which can bulge or herniate, placing pressure on nearby structures including the nerves. More severe disc herniations can cause leg, foot, and toe pain and weakness. Lumbar traction and manual therapy techniques can be helpful. Surgery is not always necessary, so physical therapy should usually be tried first.

manual therapy for back pain

How Can We Help?

Saunders Therapy Centers therapists are highly skilled at evaluation, and will know the specific techniques to use depending on the source of your symptoms. When your pain improves (often rapidly!), almost all lower back pain patients benefit from postural restoration and exercise to restore normal muscle length and strength to prevent a future episode.


When is Back Pain Serious?

Saunders Physical Therapist

Back pain is usually non-serious and resolves within 2-6 weeks. Rarely, back pain should be considered an emergency, or needs further treatment before seeing a physical therapist. Here are some situations where you should seek immediate medical attention:

Trauma or Accident: If your back pain was caused by a slip or fall, or significant trauma such as a motor vehicle accident, you should have a medical evaluation to make sure there is not a fracture or instability before seeing a physical therapist.

Numbness in the Feet or Toes: Leg, foot, or toe numbness may be a sign that a nerve is pinched. Physical therapy can help with this, but if numbness is severe or progressing, you should see your physician.

Sudden or Progressive Weakness of Your Leg: Nerves in the lower back supply the muscles of your legs. Sudden or increasing weakness of the knees, ankles, or toes may be a sign that a nerve is pinched, and further medical evaluation is needed.

Loss of Bowel or Bladder Control: Sudden changes in bowel or bladder control can be a sign that there is pressure on the spinal cord, and is considered an emergency condition. See a physician right away if you experience these symptoms.


Saunders Physical Therapist


When is Neck Pain Serious?

Herniated Disc Treatment

Neck pain is usually non-serious and resolves within 2-6 weeks. Rarely, neck pain should be considered an emergency, or needs further treatment before seeing a physical therapist. Here are some situations where you should seek immediate medical attention:

Trauma or Accident: If your neck pain was caused by a slip or fall, bumping your head, or a motor vehicle accident, you should have a medical evaluation to make sure there is not a fracture or instability before seeing a physical therapist.

Numbness in the Hands or Fingers: Hand or finger numbness may be a sign that a nerve is pinched. Physical therapy can help with this, but if numbness is severe or progressing, you should see your physician.

Sudden or Progressive Weakness of Your Arm: Nerves in the neck supply the muscles of your arm, hand, and fingers. Sudden or increasing weakness of the arm may be a sign that your nerve is pinched, and further medical evaluation is needed.

Loss of Bowel or Bladder Control: Sudden changes in bowel or bladder control can be a sign that there is pressure on the spinal cord, and is considered an emergency condition. See a physician right away if you experience these symptoms.


Photo of Plastic Spine Model


What Causes Neck Pain?

physical therapist using manual therapy, Treating a patient with neck pain

Cervical spine pain can be the result of a single event or trauma, or the result of a combination of factors including poor posture, declining physical fitness, and/or repetitive activities, including faulty lifting, bending, or twisting. Previous injury and family history may also be a contributing factor.

Neck pain is usually non-serious and resolves within 2-6 weeks. Sometimes, neck pain is accompanied by headache or pain between the shoulder blades or down the arm. Physical therapists at Saunders Therapy Centers can get to the root cause of your pain, and provide immediate treatment to lessen the intensity and duration of your pain. In some cases, you only need one or two clinic treatments. Common causes of neck pain include:

Muscle Strain: Sleeping without proper support, over-working during exercise, or turning your neck the “wrong way” can cause a temporary but very painful strain. You may not be able to rotate, flex, or extend your neck fully. Pain can be in the neck or between the shoulder blades.

Cervical Osteoarthritis: This is a wear-and-tear condition, also called neck arthritis. As we age, the space between vertebrae in the neck decreases, and excessive friction can cause pain. Even though structural changes are inevitable with age, pain is not! Improving posture and strengthening the stabilizing muscles is key to help with this condition.

Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease: Though scary-sounding, this condition is closely related to osteoarthritis, in that it is a wear-and-tear condition. Disc degeneration typically causes a low-level chronic neck pain with occasional episodes of more severe pain. Treatment is similar to osteoarthritis and involves postural training, strengthening, and manual therapy.

Facet Joint Syndrome: The joints between each vertebra can become slightly misaligned or inflamed, causing pain. Manual therapy techniques can restore normal motion and decrease inflammation.

Cervical Disc Herniation: Between each vertebra is a structure called the “disc”, which can bulge or herniate, placing pressure on nearby structures including the nerves. More severe disc herniations can cause arm and hand pain and weakness. Cervical traction and manual therapy techniques can be helpful. Surgery is not always necessary, so physical therapy should usually be tried first.

How Can We Help?

Saunders Therapy Centers therapists are highly skilled at evaluation, and will know the specific techniques to use depending on the source of your symptoms. When your pain improves (often rapidly!), almost all neck pain patients benefit from postural restoration and exercise to restore normal muscle length and strength to prevent a future episode.